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7 Marketing Tips for a Small Business

Tips For a Small Business
If you are running a small business, chances are, you do not have the employees or the budget that bigger businesses have to embark on a marketing campaign. But fret not because this is not the end of your marketing endeavor. There are plenty of ways to get your name out there, even if it means having to write and submit your own marketing material.

Here are 7 low cost but highly effective marketing tips that can help small businesses find customers and generate sales.

 Create your own website
You need to get your company online if only for one reason - the Internet never sleeps. Many small businesses fail to advertise online and this can do more harm than good.
 The Internet is typically the first place that people go to for information and by putting up a website; you are creating an awareness of your business.

Building a website is inexpensive (and sometimes free!) as there are plenty of website building tools and scripts available on the web.

Make email marketing a priority
Sending emails is free so create a list of existing and potential customers and start sending them newsletters or offers. Building a list is one of the easiest ways to recycle your traffic and earn more money from the same amount of traffic.

Get involved in social networking sites
Even if you have a website, you should set up a Face book or Twitter account, or do both! These sites allow you to connect with regular and potential clients and may even give you a chance to build relationships with potential business partners. The best part is you can create a Face book page or a Twitter account for free!

Use buddy marketing
Plan business promotions with complementary businesses. For example, if you sell wines, you could work with a restaurant to have a food and wine pairing night.

Or if you send out brochures, you could include a leaflet of another business and have them do the same for you by printing stickers, leaflets or name cards and getting the company to include them with their brochures.

Offer a cheaper version or a premium version
Many customers keep an eye out for bargains. A good business strategy is to accommodate for this by having a no frills version of your product that you can sell for a lower price. At the same time, it is important to bear in mind that not all customers are looking for a cheap price.

There are plenty of people who are willing to pay a premium for quality products. Thus, be sure to keep quality products in stock. Essentially, you want to have a financial strategy that caters to all budgets.

Don't advertise like a big business
Because you do not run a big business! It is better to do your research and advertise smartly and not largely. Instead of paying for a television advertisement, look into poster or flyer printing and drop these materials into letterboxes.

Reward the faithful
Did you know that it is easier to get business from someone you have dealt with before than someone you have never had contact with? This is why it is important to retain your customers.

Implement a loyalty programmed and reward these customers with exclusive or special deals. Good service equals happy customers and chances are, these customers will spread the word. Word of mouth is one of the best marketing strategies.

Now that you have these tips, you can develop your marketing strategy. As long as you fine-tune your marketing plan as you progress, you will succeed.

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